Letters: Lawyer gives laughable defense of PHA billings
July 31, 2011
By Mark D. Schwartz
Philadelphia Inquirer
Give a creativity-in-spin award to James Eisenhower for defending his law firm's questionable practices in the Philadelphia Housing Authority's legal-billing scandal ("HUD tells PHA to justify $1 million in legal fees, or repay it," July 22). He was, he said, "ethically and aggressively representing the interests of his clients." Excuse me, but what kind of aggressive representation goes on at a dinner party, a rally, and ribbon cuttings?
The Inquirer stories have brought out the real travesty that occurred. Were it not for the excellent reporting, this would all have been swept under Philadelphia's filthy "go along to get along" blanket of silence. Thirty eight and a half million dollars that could have otherwise provided housing for the poor purportedly went to politically connected lawyers like Eisenhower.
What a coincidence that much of the money went to those who raised money for Ed Rendell, employed Ed Rendell, and were otherwise Ed's cronies.
Eisenhower brought up his role as a former federal prosecutor. Happily for us, he is no longer one. Perhaps the sitting federal prosecutor will characterize the situation differently.